We offer one-to-one online tutoring in Maths, English, Physics, Biology and Chemistry up to and including A Level. Get in touch!
Rishi teaches Maths and Physics up to A Level and has been tutoring for a year. He did Maths, Physics, Economics and Further Maths at A Level, receiving 3 A*s and an A respectively and is going to attend the University of Oxford next year to study Economics and Management.
Bahasht teaches English up to A Level and has been tutoring for 2 years. She received an A* in English Language at A Level and is studying at Linguistics at Manchester Metropolitan University.
Evie teaches sciences up to A Level and has been tutoring for 2 years. She achieved MMM in BTEC Science whilst working with AstraZeneca and is currently studying Medical Biology at the University of Bolton. She aims to go on to study medicine.
Areej teaches Maths and Physics up to A Level and has been tutoring for 2 years. She has AS Levels in Physics and Chemistry, an A Level in English Language and BTECH in Applied Science. She is currently in her final year of studying Mechanical Engineering at the University of Salford.
We offer you a choice of 1 session, 4 sessions, 8 sessions, or 12 (Each session is 1 hour).
Prices for each bundle at each age group are shown in the table to the left (above on mobile).
We know that, as parents, you want the best value for your money, so we've broken down the cost per lesson of taking each bundle in the table to the right (above on mobile).
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